Mina Tucano

Located in the Guiana Shield in Amapá Brazil. A large long life gold mining complex with an exciting future.

Mina Tucano is an open pit gold mining operation, fully equipped with a modern 10,000 tpd gold plant and sizeable resources. Up until 2020 it was producing 120k+ oz Au p.a. at grades of 1.2 - 1.4 g/t. Production restart is planned for H2 2024.

Since the inception of Mina Tucano the focus has been on open pit mining but the plan is to begin underground mining in late 2025 at the exciting Urucum North project with estimated grades of 4 to 5g/t.


Located in the state of Amapá, Tucano holds a 100% interest in the Tucano gold mine hosted on a 1,973 square kilometre land package on the highly prospective Vila Nova Greenstone Belt of the Guiana Shield. The operation includes a state of the art 3.5 Mtpa CIL plant and has produced over 1.5 million ounces since it was opened in 2005.

Tucano Gold Inc

Tucano Gold Inc is a private Canadian mining company that acquired Mina Tucano Ltda and Tucano Resources Mineração Ltda in October 2023. Tucano Gold intends to resume operations in Q4´23 and bring employment and prosperity back to the District.

Employment & Community

Mina Tucano when operational will once again be the largest employer in the state of Amapá, Brazil. There are currently 76 staff already on site and we expect to grow that 1,000 employees by the middle of 2024.